Atsugi Youth Club (Atsugi-kai)

The Atsugi youth international exchange club is the international exchange circle which is working focusing on Kanagawa Prefecture. We want to alternate together with the direction of the foreign country which is present in Japan. Since the Atsugi-kai is performing the open event focusing on the hike, please participate by all means!

Friday, September 15, 2006

11/12 Mystery Hile & Craft

-- Mystery Hile & Craft --

In Japan Autum is very beaultiful to see.
For Atsugi foreigner residents, it is welcomed to participate
and have a good chance to have interculture with Japanese residents.

Date : 12 Nov. 2006 (Sun)

Place: AM10:00 at YMCA Atsugi

Fee: \500-

Items to bring: Lunch, Snacks and Drinks to hike.

If rains: we will have a potluck party at the YMCA Atsugi

Application: YMCA Atsugi 046-223-1441


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